Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 2 Hockenheim Race Results

Our final European race at Hockenheim raceway started with Tex on pole with Zoomy second and HiWind third. Zoomy spun his tires at the start which let HiWind take 2nd place.

Everyone was kind of tentative with the cold tires and got thru lap 1 with no problems. Lap 2 saw Zoomy putting immense pressure on HiWind, trying to get him to make a mistake but instead ending up making a mistake of his own, going off the track at turn 8.

For the rest of the race everyone seemed to just kinda fall into place and not make too many mistakes. Tex locked up his brakes pretty good on lap 4 allowing HiWind to get close but he wasn't able to get close enough to get by. The race ended with Tex in the lead followed by HiWind and then Zoomy.

Hockenheim Race Results

After 10 races, the seasons points standings are:
Tex - 88
HiWind - 52
Zoomy - 50

That completes the second leg of our Championship. We take up the fight next on the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course in Round 3 of our season.

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