Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Season 4 Week 2 results (cont.)

Our final stop takes us to the heartland of the United States and Mid-America Motorplex for the Cornhusker Grand Prix. Zoomy once again took pole position, with Hi-Wind 4/10's back. Tex and Crazy rounded out the field for the race.

Hi-Wind got a good start and pulled ahead of Zoomy going into Turn 1. Crazy tried to outbrake Tex but ended up locking up his brakes and going off course into the tire barriers, damaging his suspension and forcing him to retire.

Hi-Wind and Zoomy started to pull away from Tex right away, with the gap closing at the corners and widening down the straights.

Zoomy saw an opportunity to get inside Hi-Wind as he pushed wide going into the corner.

Hi-Wind was still in the hunt though for the race win, trying to get by Zoomy but Zoomy held his line and was able to pull away at the next corner.

Once Zoomy got fully in front of Hi-Wind he was able to drive consistent laps to record the race win, chased right to the end by Hi-Wind. Tex followed in third some 7-1/2 seconds back. Zoomy recorded the fast lap of the race to earn the bonus point.

Mid-America race results

Season 4 Week 2 results
HiWind - 28 + 1 bp = 29 pts
Zoomy - 21 + 2 bp = 23 pts
Tex - 22 pts
Crazy - 16 pts

Season Standings
Hi-Wind = 61 pts
Zoomy = 44 pts
Tex = 43 pts
Crazy = 32 pts

Season 4 Week 2 results (cont.)

A short drive to Alabama had the teams pulling into Barber Motorsports Park for the Birmingham GP. High Times Racing, and their driver Zoomy, were quick off the trailer and took pole position by only 8/100's of a second over Hi-Wind. Crazy had a good qualifying session placing third on the grid.

A red flag was thrown at the start of the race due to a number of the competitors spinning off the track at turn 1. A restart was deemed necessary and all the cars lined up again. The second start went much better than the first with all the drivers using a more cautious approach.

The cautious approach didn't help Zoomy much as he fell back to last place. His first target was Crazy.

Not willing to give up the position without a fight, Crazy dives deep into the next corner taking the position back from Zoomy.

After getting past Zoomy, Crazy lined up Tex. He put up a good fight but Crazy finally got thru to take 2nd place.

Heading for the end of lap one, all the drivers were nose to tail waiting for someone to make a mistake.

Diving deep to protect his position, Crazy slid off the track. Pushed by Zoomy, Tex also waits too long to brake and locks up his front tires. Zoomy dives inside to take advantage but can't make the pass stick as Tex fights his way back.

Hot on Tex's heels, Zoomy makes the pass at the next corner.

Hi-Wind pulled out to a small gap but Zoomy was hot in pursuit having gotten by both Tex and Crazy. As Zoomy was closing the gap on Hi-Wind, so too was Crazy on Tex. Having gotten a good run on Tex, Crazy went to the inside which caused him to push wide at the corner exit allowing Tex to counter with the outside/in move, giving him the preferred line.

Crazy pushed out wide and dropped a tire onto the grass causing him to lose traction and go shooting across the track, narrowly missing Tex as he went by.

A small bump with the guardrail was the only contact but it was still enough to set him seconds off the pace and out of contention for the win.

Hi-Wind and Zoomy were starting to distance themselves from Tex when the unexpected happens...

...Zoomy went into turn 7 and hit something sticking out of the curb, yanking his steering wheel to the right, sending him headlong into the tirewall with dramatic effect!

Surprisingly, his car was still running so he put it into gear. But, before he can get back onto the track, Tex passes by. Having lost one position already, Zoomy gets pointed back in the right direction just as Crazy happens onto the scene. As he gasses away, the fenders keep the tires from pointing in the right direction causing Zoomy to go off the track, once again catching air!

With his car in bad shape, he slightly overshot the pit entrance but managed to get in for repairs.

After such a flurry of activity for the first three laps, the remaining laps were pretty much a let down! Neither Crazy or Tex were able to advance their position and Hi-Wind maintained his pace to record the race win. He also had the fastest lap of the race for the bonus point.

Birmingham GP race results