Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Season 4 Week 2 results (cont.)

Our final stop takes us to the heartland of the United States and Mid-America Motorplex for the Cornhusker Grand Prix. Zoomy once again took pole position, with Hi-Wind 4/10's back. Tex and Crazy rounded out the field for the race.

Hi-Wind got a good start and pulled ahead of Zoomy going into Turn 1. Crazy tried to outbrake Tex but ended up locking up his brakes and going off course into the tire barriers, damaging his suspension and forcing him to retire.

Hi-Wind and Zoomy started to pull away from Tex right away, with the gap closing at the corners and widening down the straights.

Zoomy saw an opportunity to get inside Hi-Wind as he pushed wide going into the corner.

Hi-Wind was still in the hunt though for the race win, trying to get by Zoomy but Zoomy held his line and was able to pull away at the next corner.

Once Zoomy got fully in front of Hi-Wind he was able to drive consistent laps to record the race win, chased right to the end by Hi-Wind. Tex followed in third some 7-1/2 seconds back. Zoomy recorded the fast lap of the race to earn the bonus point.

Mid-America race results

Season 4 Week 2 results
HiWind - 28 + 1 bp = 29 pts
Zoomy - 21 + 2 bp = 23 pts
Tex - 22 pts
Crazy - 16 pts

Season Standings
Hi-Wind = 61 pts
Zoomy = 44 pts
Tex = 43 pts
Crazy = 32 pts

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