Monday, December 7, 2009

Season 4 Week 2 results

The first race of week 2 is Road Atlanta. We had a bit of a slow start because of a bump in the track but once we got underway, Hi-Wind took the lead from Zoomy and Crazy got by Tex leading up to turn 3 at the top of the hill.

Hi-Wind pushed wide letting Zoomy re-take the lead. That also allowed Crazy to push his way by!

As we approached turn 6, everyone was on pace until Tex dropped a wheel causing him to slow down to recover.

Zoomy was chased by Crazy down the backstretch where they both tried to outbreak each other resulting in both of them sliding off. Hi-Wind also slid off into the gravel as he arrived on the scene, apparently distracted by the goings on.

Tex arrived at the scene hoping to take advantage of the situation. Hi-Wind was able to keep his momentum going and got out onto the track rather easily. Zoomy and Crazy were both stopped and Tex easily drove by.

At the end of lap 1, Hi-Wind was in the lead, closely followed by Tex. Zoomy and Crazy recovered from their off-road excursion and were a couple of seconds back.

By the end of lap 5, Hi-Wind had put a bit of space between himself and Tex, who was quickly getting caught by Zoomy.

Knowing that his only chance to stay with Zoomy down the backstretch was to tuck up close behind and use the draft, Tex did exactly that!

Zoomy broke late and couldn't make the turn. A rear wheel touched the grass causing him to spin out letting Tex back through.

And that was how the race ended. Crazy didn't get by Zoomy while he was stopped so the finishing order was Hi-Wind in 1st, Tex 2nd, Zoomy 3rd and Crazy 4th. Zoomy recorded the fast lap of the session earning the bonus point.

Road Atlanta race report

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