Saturday, September 12, 2009

Scoring Revision

Hey there race fans!

I was looking thru the GTR2 manual and I found the FIA GT points distribution list. It awards points a little differently and looked like it would keep the standings a little closer. So, I went back over season 1 and recalculated the season using the FIA points and it did make the points closer week to week. Overall the results were the same, just a closer spread which, with the addition of bonus points, could spice things up a bit.

With all that being said, I'm gonna go ahead and score the results using the FIA points to score our races. The points awarded are:

1st = 10 pts
2nd = 8 pts
3rd = 6 pts
4th = 5 pts

Fastest lap during the race = 1 bonus point

Hopefully this works out okay, the fast lap bonus could prove to be pretty valuable throughout the season.

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