Saturday, September 12, 2009

Season 2 Week 1 results

Season 2 started off with all drivers present and accounted for. Crazy is still suffering from a hairline fracture in his forearm but he's soldiering on! Good to have him back.

Our schedule remains the same, the one substitute being Laguna Seca replacing Sears Point. We still race in the same area so our sponsors shouldn't give us too much grief.

A quick survey thru the paddock found all the teams finding the new BMW M3's a good challenge. There's no doubt that the teams will figure things out but as this is the first week in the new machines, the championship is open for everyone.

Our first race finds us at Circuit Gilles Villeneuve in Montreal. Qualifying was close with Tex taking pole position for the first race. Timing and scoring is still having problems with the start lights. Hopefully that can be fixed before we race there again.

The race started without incident and was led from start to finish by Tex. Crazy did better than expected after his long hiatus, managing to finish his first race back. The battle of the race was between Zoomy and HiWind with HiWind getting the better of the two at the line. The difference being only .067 thousandths of a second. That's two races in a row that HiWind has been battling for position at the finish line! Tex was able to set the fastest lap and received the bonus point.

Montreal race results

Race 2 was at Mosport Raceway. It didn't take the teams long to set up the paddock and get to the business of qualifying. It was another close qualifying session with Zoomy taking pole.

The race had a good start with everyone getting thru turn one cleanly. Crazy got his tires out into the dirt in turn 2 and it pulled him off the track. He rejoined the race quickly a few seconds back. Zoomy had a quick off and on at Moss' corner but Tex and HiWind were able to get by. On lap 2 HiWind got loose in turn 3 and Zoomy, who had a huge run on him, got by easily.
The running order to start lap 3 was Tex in first, Zoomy second with HiWind third and Crazy in fourth place.

Everyone settled into their race pace and the race finished in that order with Tex getting the extra championship point for fastest lap.

Mosport race results

After two races in a row it was time for a small break so the teams took some time off to relax, have a smoke and get ready for the next two races.

Toronto was up next and promised to be real competitive. All the drivers were ready to get wheel to wheel in the concrete jungle! Qualifying was about a second faster than the race pace with Tex getting his second pole of the season.

The race started with everyone getting thru the first corner without any problems. HiWind dive bombed Tex into turn 3 but made it stick and took the lead. Zoomy was able to close up and get by Tex at turn 5 for second place, leaving Tex in third and Crazy in fourth.

HiWind went on to record his first win of the new season! He withstood the pressure that both Tex and Zoomy put on him by not making any mistakes. Both Tex and Zoomy swapped places while making mistakes with Zoomy ahead at the end of the race.

The running order at the end of the race was HiWind, Zoomy, Tex and Crazy with Zoomy getting the bonus point for fastest lap.

Toronto race results

After the Toronto race the teams packed up the transporters and headed off to beautiful upstate New York, arriving at Watkins Glen next. The tents went quickly up and the cars hit the track. All the drivers were real familiar with this track and it showed in qualifying where Tex took pole by .002 thousandths of a second over Zoomy.

The start of the race saw Hiwind spin out and go nose first into the guardrail. In doing that he must've knocked the air valve stem off because he ended up with a flat tire and retired from the race shortly thereafter. Zoomy and Crazy chased Tex through the esses up to the bus stop chicane where Zoomy tried forcing his way through. He couldn't do it though which allowed Crazy to slip by at the exit of the bus stop chicane into 2nd place. Crazy saw an opportunity to get by Tex going into turn 10 but couldn't get all the way by ending up letting Zoomy get ahead.

Turn 1 of the second lap saw Crazy get into the back of Zoomy spinning him out and causing him to do a few barrel rolls! Amazingly Zoomy's car never shut off and landed on his wheels so he shoved it into gear and got back onto the track!

Crazy was definitely feeling the heat as he went off the track three times in a row at the exact same place finally giving up second place on the last lap, at the second to last corner. Disappointment for sure but Zoomy had huge pressure on him and it finally cost him. The finishing order was Tex, Zoomy, Crazy and HiWind out early with his punctured tire. Tex had fastest lap of the race securing an additional championship point.

Watkins Glen race results

We finally rolled into Lime Rock Park for the last of our first weeks races. We decided to make the race longer because of the short lap times. So Lime Rock was changed to a 10 lap race at the drivers meeting. After making some changes to allow for the longer race everyone got out onto the track and proceeded qualifying. The session was fast and furious with Tex taking his 4th pole of this young season.

Everyone got off to a good start with HiWind getting a great jump and pulling into the lead. Followed by Tex, then Zoomy and Crazy. Crazy had a bit of an off but quickly got back onto the track hardly losing any time at all. Zoomy was pushing hard to keep up with Tex and HiWind but had a couple of small moments costing him valuable time, allowing Crazy to close up and challenge for third.

It was an epic battle with both drivers beatin' and bangin' to try and get ahead of the other driver. Zoomy was finally able to pull ahead but lost it on the hill corner, slamming into the guardrail and nosing the car into the ground. There was too much damage to continue so he retired from the race. Crazy went on to third place with HiWind in second and Tex in first. The extra point for fast lap went to Tex.

Lime Rock race results

Season 2 Week 1 standings
Tex - 46 + 4 bp = 50 pts
HiWind - 37 pts
Zoomy - 35 + 1 bp = 36 pts
Crazy - 27 pts

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