Saturday, September 5, 2009

Season 1 Week 4 results

The final races have been run for Season 1 and Zoomy took the weekly honours with a total of 38 points having garnered two first place finishes with his remaining finishes in second place. HiWind also had two wins but had a couple of third place finishes placing him second in the weekly standings with 32 points.

After dominating for the last two weeks, Tex wasn't able to string any good finishes together. Fortunately he did have a win but a second place along with a trio of thirds relegated him to third in the weekly standings with only 25 points.

The racing was really good with everyone having their turn up front. The deciding factor, as in most races, was who was going to make the least amount of mistakes.

Estoril race results
Valencia race results
Laguna Seca race results
Portland race results
Edmonton race results

The final (revised) standings for Season 1 are:
Tex - 185
Zoomy - 167
HiWind - 148

* revised records include fast lap bonus points and new FIA GT points distribution

Next season we race with the BMW M3 machines. The horsepower increase should make things interesting, something to look forward to. Here's to a close, competitive Season 2!

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