Friday, October 9, 2009

Season 3 Week 1 results

I've been a bit tardy with the race reporting...oops!

Oh well, we'll pick things back up with the start of Season 3. Crazy has retired from racing leaving just the 3 of us and we've moved up to the Saleen S7-R, a 620hp GT1 machine. Lots of power in these cars!

All three teams and drivers were feeling the affects of changing from the BMW M3's to the Saleen's but once we all got on track, our times were all pretty similar. Seems like the high horsepower is a bit of an equalizer.

Montreal is always an interesting track to start with because it is a high speed track with a few good passing opportunities. Qualifying was uneventful with Tex taking pole on the last lap of his run, just beating Zoomy.

The start of the race didn't go too well with Zoomy getting sideways off of the start into the side of Tex, knocking both drivers off of the track, allowing HiWind to pass thru into the lead. Zoomy got back onto the track ahead of Tex and that was pretty much the race. No one made any horrendous mistakes to give up any positions. HiWind takes the first win of the new season, Tex had fastest lap for the bonus point.

Montreal GP race results

Our next stop is Mosport, a wonderful track that allows for some good racing. Another high speed track with some challenging corners. Tex had a fast car during qualifying and was able to take his 2nd pole in a row.

Everybody had a pretty good start, HiWind got a little crossed up but he recovered quick enough that he didn't loose too much time. Zoomy got out into the lead off of the start and all 3 drivers took the first lap pretty cautiously. Lap 2 was a little more dramatic with Zoomy catching a tire on the kerbing causing him to spin out in front of Tex. Tex couldn't avoid Zoomy and bumped him off the track.

That action let HiWind get past going into moss' corner. Tex was right on his tail and spun out, locking up his brakes to avoid hitting HiWind. This let Zoomy get by after he had gotten back onto the track! So the running order at the end of lap 2 was HiWind in the lead, Zoomy second and Tex running third.

Zoomy had an ill-handling car and was having a hard time holding on to the back end. It caught up to him at Moss' corner on lap 4. He had a small half-spin which opened the door for Tex to sneak by into 2nd place.

Both drivers must've been surprised to start lap 5 and see HiWind coming out of the sand trap at the end of turn 1. The white flag signifying the last lap must've distracted him because he pitched his car off the track for no apparent reason. Fortunately he had enough momentum to carry himself right thru the trap and back onto the track right behind Zoomy, who was now in second place. Zoomy's car was still not handling too well, so when he hit the kerbing at the exit of turn 2, his car spun out and slammed into the wall, destroying the left front corner of his car. This of course let HiWind pass into second place, behind Tex who was in first. Tex was also able to post the fastest lap which, incidentally, was faster than his qualifying time!

Mosport race results

Next up was the Toronto GP race, which turned out to be one of the better races of the evening! HiWind took advantage of his first pole position to get a great start on the rest of the field. Zoomy took advantage of HiWind's quick start by slotting into 2nd place, with Tex losing one spot off the start. Everyone negotiated the first lap but you could see that Zoomys car was still not handling the greatest and Tex was pressuring him to get by so he could go try and catch HiWind, who was pulling away.

Tex finally made his move outbreaking Zoomy going into turn 3. Zoomy did all that he could to protect his position but couldn't hold him off. There was a bit of contact between the two cars in the corner causing Zoomy to do a half-spin, costing him valuable time to get sorted out and back underway. All the while, HiWind and Tex were pulling further away.

Having pushed his way by Zoomy, Tex went chasing after HiWind. The laps wound down with Tex catching HiWind at turn 3 on lap 4. The two drivers battled it out for position with Tex hot on the heels of HiWind, trying to pressure him into a mistake. Nose to tail for the last two laps, HiWind held off Tex until the second last corner of the race. His car pushed wide and slammed into the wall, slowing him down enough for Tex to slide in underneath him at the last corner to take the lead. The had a drag race to the finish line but HiWind had scrubbed off too much speed and Tex motored thru to the win! What an exciting finish!

Tex was able to record the fastest lap of the race giving him his third straight bonus point.

Toronto GP race results

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