Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Season 3 Week 2 results (cont.)

Circuit TT Assen is next on our schedule and with a quick jaunt north, all the teams were ready to do battle on the track.

Qualifying saw Tex take point with Zoomy 2/100ths off the mark. HiWind followed in third place, once second back from Zoomy.

The start saw everyone get away cleanly, braking early to make sure they all got thru turn 1.

HiWind dropped a couple of wheels at turn 8, sending him off track. He steered his car to return back onto the track but couldn't slow down because of being on the grass and he ran right into Tex at the apex to turn 9, just barely missing Zoomy.

And that was it, the gaps were too big for anyone to make up any positions. Tex put in a good effort to catch Zoomy and was rewarded with the fastest lap bonus point. The finishing order was Zoomy in 1st, Tex in 2nd and HiWind in 3rd.

Assen race results

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