Sunday, October 18, 2009

Season 3 Week 2 results (cont.)

A quick run thru the 'chunnel' had us arriving in the Netherlands for our back to back races at Zandvoort and Assen.

First up is Zandvoort and it's long sweeping corners and tight hairpins. Zoomy was, once again, on his mark and at the front of the pack. He qualified more than a second ahead of HiWind, who was also a second ahead of Tex, who wound up third in qualifying.

Everyone got off the line well with HiWind getting the best start of the three cars. He had a look down the inside of Zoomy heading into turn 1 but there wasn't anything there so he fell back into line behind him.

Perhaps cold tires played a part, as the hairpin at turn 4 caught HiWind off guard at the exit, spinning his tires and getting a bit sideways. He recovered quick enough but not quick enough to prevent Tex from getting by, taking second place.

That set up the battle that ensued for second place. The same as at Silverstone, HiWind was quick enough to put massive pressure on Tex for second place but just not quick enough to make a pass. HiWind had a look to get by Tex at turn 12 but Tex slammed the door causing HiWind to lock up his tires.

Zoomy was fast in the first half of the race, pulling out a 3 second gap back to Tex, who had his mirrors full of HiWind's red Marlboro car! The last couple of laps would prove eventful for both Zoomy and HiWind, each having their share of problems late in the race.

HiWind's cost him the most as he went off in the turn 2/3 chicane, and into the barrier, twice. Effectively taking himself out of contention for the race win or a second place finish. Too bad really because he did have a fast car but wasn't able to take advantage of it.

Zoomy's mistakes weren't quite as costly as he was able to recover from a quick off-track excursion to maintain his first place position. He was also able to record the fastest lap of the race, earning the bonus championship point for this round.

Zandvoort race results

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